Note for Dale: Hostel
South Pittsburg

We would like to thank you for visiting our web site and hope you enjoy your visit. Our city has a great history that is reflected in the structures, land and people of our community. It is our hope that through this web site we can educate the public of our city’s unique past and help promote the preservation of its heritage while at the same time, promote interest in our city’s future.
We are a non-profit organization originally formed by our local city government to take up the challenge of rebuilding the downtown’s historic Princess Theatre located on Cedar Avenue. Since that time our society has evolved to include other projects including restoring the old Primitive Baptist Church, which is known today as the Chapel on the Hill.

South Pittsburg
316 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN 37380
(423) 837-8714
M – F 10am to 3pm
S 12pm to 5pm
Latest Blog
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Bank or City Hall?
The First National Bank, corner of Elm Avenue and Third Street, opened in South Pittsburg, Tennessee in 1887. Pictured above in 1906 from left to right are: Tom Mix, Miss Irene McRae, T. G. Garrett, A. A. Cook and Richard Hardy. South Pittsburg City Hall occupies the...
Our Blog COMING SOONCurabitur aliquam justo ex, ac varius sem facilisis a. In vel felis eros. Fusce ipsum enim, ultrices at ante sollicitudin, faucibus hendrerit nunc. Nullam tempor nulla eu imperdiet interdum. Mauris euismod mattis consectetur. Let's Start Something...
Our Mission

The mission of the South Pittsburg, TN Historical and Preservation Society is to identify and oversee the City’s historic landmarks, districts, and sites; as well as to preserve such districts and sites
for the use, observation, education, pleasure, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of South Pittsburg
and visitors to the area.

Curabitur non bibendum ligula
Historic Christmas Day Shooting

Skillet Full Cookbook


“Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.”

Carolyn Millhiser
Director – South Pittsburg Historical and Preservation Society
Get In Touch
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Call Us: (423) 837-8714

Note for Dale: Hostel
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